Practical Support for Growing Businesses
Welcome to Bookkeeping Dynamos:
How We Can Help You
If you're like most of the business owners we meet for the first time, you're worried.
Worried about:
- Feeling overwhelmed and not in contr​ol of your business and its finances?
- Let down by a previous bookkeeper who got it all wrong?
- Unexpected surprises from the tax office where a chunk of money has to be found asap you weren't expecting?
- Frustrated by compliance obligations - super, PAYG, tax...?
- No peace of mind because you thought the business was making money but there's never any in the bank account?
- No one to talk to about what's going on - partner would only worry, staff don't care - who can you trust?
- The ATO will be ringing soon to chase up your overdue BAS?
We help businesses off all types from those have a a bit of concern because their last BAS is late or they don't have up to date reports, to owners in complete panic with the ATO on their doorstep and a large box under their arm.
Or maybe you're doing ok but stretched to the point where you need some dedicated bookkeeping attention to free youup to keep pushing the business forward and someone experienced to talk to.
And then there are those business owners just starting out who want to get it right from scratch and need help setting up systems and keeping on track. Who want outsourcing or technical support.
The Solution!
Whatever your needs, the Bookkeeping Dynamos team understands how you feel. We are passionate about supporting business owners around their finances and giving the peace of mind to grow their business forward.
How do we do that?
By having a team of highly skilled and experienced bookkeepers who use The Pure Bookkeeping System to ensure consistent and accurate information. Bookkeeping Dynamos is a fully registered BAS Agent.
So, if you have decided to take action, then contact us now for a FREE CONSULTATION during which we will:
- Customise the solution for you
- Complete a Health Check of your current Xero, MYOB or QB Data Files or recommend the best software for your business
- Review your current bookkeeping systems
- Assign the most suitable bookkeeper from our team
- Introduce The Pure Bookkeeping System to keep the work up to date and accurate
- Liaise with your accountant, the ATO, creditors and anyone else who needs contact.
Contact Us
Mail: GPO Box 1670, Sydney NSW 2001
Documents: Suite 3, Lvl 1,
684 Princes Hwy Kogarah NSW 2217
Tel: 0401 070 775
Open: Monday - Friday, Saturday by appointment
Email: clients@bkdynamos.com.au
BAS Agent Services