Cloud Accounting is a new and exciting way to access your accounts ​from anywhere at any time. Xero has grown over the past few years and is now the major cloud accounting provider, offering a true online service to Australian businesses.
Bookkeeping Dynamos has been using Xero and supporting Xero clients for several years now, and considers it has now matured past the start up phase to a reliable, user friendly product.
As a Certified Partner, Bookkeeping Dynamos is able to offer you business packages not available to the general public. These include a Cashbook only option with or without GST, suitable for startup businesses. This can be upgraded to the standard packages at any time.
Support Options​
Full Support
Bookkeeping Dynamos offers a full bookkeeping support, processing all accounts, payroll, bank reconciliations, BAS lodgement and strategic management of your accounts to take the worry of account management off your hands. We can assist you with compliance, reporting and analysis to help your business move faster. Our team operates both on and off site and are expert at untangling problems. Contact us for a Health Check of your accounts.
Overview Support
Our team can back up your existing or internal bookkeeping by providing weekly, monthly or quarterly reviews of your Xero processing and higher bookkeeping functions. Contact us to discuss what level of support you feel would help you most.
Setup and Technical Support
If your preference is just for some help to get started with Xero, and then have the peace of mind of knowing there is someone to ring or email if you have a problem, then our package option is perfect for you. We will setup you up, provide basic training according to your level of knowledge, and then be on hand to answer questions as you get up and running. Contact us to discuss your needs.​​
If you are completely swamped by accounts that have not been done or are in the shoebox, we can pick it up, shake them out and turn the stacks of receipts into a clear, accurate set of accounts that will give you back your peace of mind and set you back on the track to running a functioning business. Contact us to arrange a consultation.

Contact Us
Mail: GPO Box 1670, Sydney NSW 2001
Documents: Suite 3, Lvl 1
684 Princes Hwy NSW 2217
Tel: 0401 070 775
Open: Monday - Friday, Saturday by appointment
Email: clients@bkdynamos.com.au